Adventures with Semisteps in Max 9
This is a common trap/feature/bug/quality of working in Max - the tension between left-hemisphere analytical tasks, and right hemisphere creative tasks.
semisteps (the concept formally known as intermals)
semisteps Semisteps are a way of encoding a chord voicing and relative root pitch as a floating point value.
E-Prime The term E-Prime refers a subset of english proposed built upon the principles of General Semantics set out by Alfred Korzybski.
Making a plugin with RNBO
how to cram Max into anything
An Introduction to Interactive Audio-Vision
An Introduction to Interactive Audio-Vision Let’s look at a general-purpose stack of tools for interactive video projection and integrated audio.
Animating Text in TouchDesigner
Animating text with the geotext COMP The geotext comp allows for fine granularity 3D text animation.
Where is VIZZIE A Simple Colour Source with Controls Video with Sound Simple FX MIDI Mapping MIDI Mapping in detail!
portable video streaming approaches for art installations
I am surveying small, locally streaming cameras for applications in art installations.
The Ariel Encounter and Impossibility
Within the realm of the things we can possibly imagine to exist, there are things that are both possible and impossible.
Easy Github credentials
Github authentication in the terminal is a pain. github-cli allows for one-time, interactive, browser-based authentication
Matt Harloffs Tuning Sequence - and tuning sequence as functional application of art
When I build software for interfacing with music - I often iterate back and forth between writing tuning sequences and system refinement.
Interfacing with distributed speaker arrays
Continuing work on a system I was exploring earlier here [ composing with particles], I was working with TouchDesigner.
Neurotheology, aliens, and interpreting the immaterial
Standard scratchpad disclaimer. I am not tied to any of the perspectives below.
Metamodernism and the evolution of consciousness
Maybe it’s just me but it seems like there is a collision of ideas going on.
An Introduction to Max by way of Microtonality
This is a tutorial outline for a tailored introduction to Max session.
Composing in Virtual Spaces
These notes were written for a presentation to be given at The Victorian College of the Arts, March 23rd 2020.
notes on OSC in Pure Data
Working on my PhD project, I am needing to send and receive telemetry data as OSC.
composing with particles
I am working on a project that requires me to move sounds around an irregular multi-speaker array system.
packetPunk - OSC logging on an ESP32 Watch
Sold as the dstike esp32 watch devkit, this is an ESP32 microcontroller with an OLED display, a NeoPixel, flashlight, buzzer, battery, charging circuit, SD card slot, and a few buttons.
gyrosc 2 pd
Download gyrosc2pd.pd
This patch receives OSC data from gyrosc , and tags them with a dynamic send object to be accessed globally via named receive objects.
The NEXTECH QC3863 ( available here) is a small, battery powered, IP security camera, capable of recording to an internal SD card and being administrated via a mobile app.
The open notebook of Bob Jarvis These are my working notes as of early ‘22.