Belief System

what ๐Ÿช Large scale multi-channel sound installation
with ๐Ÿช Anna Tregloan ๐Ÿช Adriano Cortese ๐Ÿช Govin Ruben ๐Ÿช Oliver Bown ๐Ÿช Kurt Mikolajczyk ๐Ÿช Elliot Hughes
when ๐Ÿช 2023 ๐Ÿช 2024
where ๐Ÿช The Substation, Melbourne ๐Ÿช Chapter, Cardiff
code ๐Ÿ’พ
Belief System is a large-scale, multi-channel audio installation built upon an ever-growing collection of thousands of audio recording of statements of belief. Each of the thousands of beliefs is curated into a thematic flock and programmed to both whisper from the speakers and flow above and around the listener.


Belief System is a scalable work suited to site specific interiors as well as black and white boxes. For presentation existing content is replaced or augmented with local content (including multilingual content} and visitors to the installation can also share their Beliefs to become part of the system.





Accompanying this aurally and visually immersive space is a book where the flocks of beliefs are transcribed allowing the visitor to connect in alternate way.

Created by Anna Tregloan & Adriano Cortese
Bob Jarvis, Composition/Programming
Govin Ruben, Production Manager/Lighting
Oliver Bown, Sam Ferguson, Ella Mannor and Kurt Mikolajczyk, Software and hardware development (UNSW Interactive Media Lab and UTS Creativity and Cognition Studios).
Nic Clark, Producer.
Elliot Hughes, Trumpet.
Transcription assistance, Meg Anderson.